Engineer Creation (Implants)


An engineer is an implant that is meant to be deployed on a target system for post-compromise exploitation, enumeration, and lateral movement.

All engineer payloads are stageless atm the PowerShell command downloads the whole hosted implant and executes it.

Engineers can be tracked and created via the Engineers page in the client and interacted with via the interact page. This allows for a larger dedicated space to interact with the engineers.

At current, Engineers only target .net 4 x64 , .net CORE and some other implant types are in the works

Engineers Page

Engineers Table

The engineers' table is where operators can see all the current and old engineers that have called back. The table displays some common metadata for the implants.

  • Integrity Level Icon

    • The far left end of the table is an icon of a computer, color-coded depending on the int level. Low = Green, Medium = Blue, high = Orange, Red = System.

  • External Address

    • This is the address that the network traffic came into the teamserver from, so if you are using a redirector, this should match the redirector address.

  • Manager

    • The manager this engineer is set to use configures the callback address and C2 Profile.

  • Connection Type

    • The type of engineer (HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SMB)

  • Address

    • the internal address of the implant

  • Hostname

    • The name of the computer

  • Username

    • The full username of the user, including the domain or hostname, depending on it is a local or domain account

  • process

    • the name of the process the engineer is running in

  • PID

    • the process id of the current running process

  • Integrity

    • the current integrity level of the implant (SYSTEM, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW)

  • Arch

    • the architecture of the process

  • Sleep Time

    • The current sleep time setting

  • Last seen

    • how long has it been since the implant last checked in

  • Options Menu

    • Allows for Interaction, Deletion, adding a note, or highlighting the row with a specific color

Engineer Creation Form

  • Manager Name

    • A dropdown list to select the manager you want to base the engineer on

  • Connection attempts

    • the number of connections that the engineer should attempt if it can't reach the teamserver before exiting, for example, a sleep time of 5 seconds, and 1000 attempts will take 5000 seconds before it stops trying to connect back.

  • Sleep Time

    • the amount in seconds the implant should sleep for. This can be changed with the sleep command later if needed.

  • Working Hours - Optional

  • Compile Type

    • This is the output format for the engineer (EXE, Service EXE, DLL, SHELLCODE, PS Command)

    • the ps command compile option will fill the powershell commnad box at the bottom of the form. It also uploads a ps1 file containing the command to the teamserver web server root folder. See the uploaded files section for info on accessing it & a copy to the main HardHatC2 folder on the teamserver. This contains a command to run that will download the hosted ps file from the teamserver and run it. This is not a stager. The whole engineer byte array is downloaded and executed.

Engineer Compilation

Engineers are dynamically compiled on the teamserver taking in the info from the creation form, and built with Roslyn .NET compiler. Then any required DLLs are merged into the assembly by default (FastJSON) using ilrepacking to create the final implant file.

Once compiled, the engineer is saved in the main HardHatC2 folder on the teamserver for quick access by any team member. By default, the name is Engineer_Managername so an engineer EXE with the manager named demo would have the filename Engineer_Demo.exe .

Last updated