Graph View
Graph View
Graph view can be accessed under the Engineers page in the client. This will load a node for each engineer in the table. If you want only to show active engineers make sure to use the toggle on the main tab of the Engineers table.
On the far left of the view is the teamserver with the current ts address. Connected to that are each of the currently viewed implants. The implant will contain a colored icon, an interact button, and some info at the bottom containing the Hostname, Username, and pid@address info.
The color of the computer icon means a few things:
Gray: offline
Green: low integrity
Blue: medium integrity
Yellow/Orange: high integrity
Red: system integrity
The nodes also have arrows showing the connection direction and type. If the arrow is pointing at the teamserver, that is a reverse connection (All HTTP/HTTPS), then if it is pointing away from the ts/parent node, this is a bind connection. The color shows the type.
Red: TCP
Blue: SMB
Operators have the ability to zoom, pan, drag and even delete nodes. Since each user has their own graph, this won't affect anyone else's view, so feel free to delete and move them as needed.
⚠️ Sometimes nodes will start out stacked on top of each other, the logic to space them out is custom written, and while it does ok, it will not be perfect.
Known Bug
⚠️ the graph view does contain a bug where sometimes when items go out of focus and a user zooms, this will break the view. ⚠️
I have included a fixed copy of the Blazor.Diagrams script.js and script.min.js
files in the client folder named GraphViewFix
. Take those files, locate the NuGet package download, and overwrite the script files if this is an issue for you.
Last updated